What is Compounding?

Compounding refers to the specialised practice of creating customised medications. Compounded medications are created by combining individual ingredients in the exact strength and dosage form required by the patient and their unique needs. This means that everything is customised directly to you rather than it being a “one-size” fits all situation. 

Believe it or not, compounding is not “new.” It’s actually the original pharmacy practice. It’s how medications were routinely made for hundreds of years, and before the Second World War, most pharmacies were compounding pharmacies! 

However, we are becoming more popular of late due to the niche skill set we provide. Mass-produced medications are convenient and are made to suit most people, but we all have subtle biochemical differences, and sometimes we have specific health-care needs that can’t be solved by something off the shelf….that’s where we come in!

Learn why to choose Custom Compounding